Purdue SMART Lab Team


Roman Ibrahimov

Roman left the SMART Lab in September 2022.

  Purdue University, 2021 - present (Technology)
Ph.D. student
M.S. Skoltech, Moscow, Russia, 2020 (Space and Engineering Systems)
B.S. ADA University, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2018 ( IT & Systems Engineering)

ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2017 (exchange student)

METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2016 (exchange student)

Research Interests:
  • Distributed and Collaborative Multi-agent Systems with Human in the Loop
  • Networked Systems
  • Human-swarm Interaction
  • Aerial Manipulation

Publications: (Google Scholar)
  • R. Ibrahimov, N. Zherdev, and D. Tsetserukou, "DroneLight: Drone Draws in the Air using Long Exposure Light Painting and ML," 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN 2020), Naples, Italy, Aug. 31- Sept. 4, 2020 (PDF, Video)
  • R. Ibrahimov, E.Tsykunov, V. Shirokun, A. Somov, and D. Tsetserukou, "DronePick: Object Picking and Delivery Teleoperation with a Drone Controlled by a Tactile Wearable," 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN 2019), New Delhi, India, 2020 (PDF, Video)
  • E. Tsykunov*, R. Ibrahimov*, D. Vasquez, D. Tsetserukou, "SlingDrone: System for Navigation and Interaction with the Environment Using a Single Drone and VR," 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2019), Sydney, Australia, 2019 (PDF, Video) *- authors contributed equally to the paper
  • E. Tsykunov, R. Agishev, R. Ibrahimov,L. Labazanova, T. Moriyama, H. Kajimoto, D. Tsetserukou, "SwarmCloak: Landing of a Swarm of Nano-Quadrotors on Human Arms," Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Interactive Technologies (ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2019), Emerging Technologies, Brisbane, Australia, 2019, Best Demonstration Award (PDF, Video)
  • E.Tsykunov, R. Agishev, R. Ibrahimov, A. Tleugazy, and D. Tsetserukou, "SwarmTouch: Guiding Swarm of Nano-Quadrotors with Impedance Control using Wearable Tactile Interface," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2019 (PDF, Video)
  • G. Yashin, D. Trinitatova, R. Agishev, R. Ibrahimov, and D. Tsetserukou, "AeroVR: Virtual Reality Teleoperation System for the UAV Robotic Manipulator," 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2019), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2019(PDF, Video)
  • E. Tsykunov, R. Agishev, R. Ibrahimov, T. Moriyama, L. Labazanova, H. Kajimoto, D. Tsetserukou, "SwarmCloak: Landing of Two Micro-Quadrotors on Human Hands Using Wearable Tactile Interface Driven by Light Intensity," IEEE Haptics Symposium (Haptics 2020), Washington DC, US, 2020 (PDF, Video)

    ibrahir (at) purdue (dot) edu